Welcome to GogoRecipe! We’re thrilled that you enjoy our recipes and want to share them. Here’s how you can do so while respecting our work and intellectual property.

Sharing Our Recipes

We encourage sharing our recipes with your friends, family, and followers. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Social Media: Feel free to share our recipe links on any social media platform. We appreciate when you tag us @GogoRecipe!
  • Blogs: You’re welcome to feature our recipes on your blog. Please use your own photos and write the instructions in your own words. Include a clear link back to the original recipe on GogoRecipe.
  • Round-ups: We’d love to be included in your recipe round-ups! You may use one photo per recipe with a direct link back to our site.

Photo Usage

Our photos are an integral part of our brand. Here’s our policy on using them:

  • You may use one photo per recipe when sharing, with a direct link back to the original post.
  • Please do not crop out our watermark or add your own text to our photos.
  • For round-ups or social media shares, you’re welcome to use our photos with proper attribution.

Sharing on Facebook

We love seeing our recipes shared on Facebook! Here’s how you can do it properly:

What You Can Do:

  • Share the direct link to our recipe posts on your personal profile, page, or in groups.
  • Use the Facebook “Share” button from our website or Facebook page.
  • Post one of our photos with a direct link back to the recipe on GogoRecipe.

Best Practices:

  • When sharing, add your own thoughts or experience with the recipe.
  • Tag us @GogoRecipe so we can see and potentially reshare your post.
  • Encourage your followers to visit our site for the full recipe and more delicious ideas.

What to Avoid:

  • Do not copy and paste the full list of ingredients or cooking instructions into your Facebook post.
  • Please don’t upload our photos without a link back to the original recipe.
  • Avoid sharing screenshots of our recipes or website.

What’s Not Allowed

To protect our work and maintain the integrity of our content:

  • Do not copy and paste full recipes (ingredients and instructions) onto any website, social media platform, or app.
  • Avoid reproducing our recipes without significant alterations and proper attribution.
  • Please don’t use our content for commercial purposes without express written permission.

Why This Matters

At GogoRecipe, we pour our hearts into creating unique, tested recipes for our audience. Each recipe represents hours of work, from conception to testing, photography, and writing. By respecting these guidelines, you help us continue producing high-quality content for everyone to enjoy.


If you have any questions about using our content or would like to collaborate, please don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@gogorecipe.com. We’re always happy to discuss proper usage and potential partnerships!

Thank you for your support and for helping us share the joy of cooking with the world!